Đọc thêm Trận_chiến_Đông_Solomon

  • Andrieu D'Albas (1965), Death of a Navy: Japanese Naval Action in World War II, Devin-Adair Pub, ISBN 0-8159-5302-X 
  • Paul S. Dull (1978), A Battle History of the Imperial Japanese Navy, 1941–1945, Naval Institute Press, ISBN 0-87021-097-1 
  • Eric Lacroix; Linton Wells (1997), Japanese Cruisers of the Pacific War, Naval Institute Press, ISBN 0-87021-311-3  Chú thích sử dụng tham số |coauthors= bị phản đối (trợ giúp)
  • John B. Lundstrom (2006), Black Shoe Carrier Admiral: Frank Jack Fletcher at Coral Seas, Midway & Guadalcanal, Annapolis, Maryland, USA: Naval Institute Press, ISBN 1-59114-475-2 
  • Douglas V. Smith (2006), Carrier Battles: Command Decision in Harm's Way, US Naval Institute Press, ISBN 1591147948 
  • Edward P. Stafford; Paul Stillwell (tư vấn) (2002 (Tái bản)), The Big E: The Story of the USS Enterprise, Naval Institute Press, ISBN 1-55750-998-0  Chú thích sử dụng tham số |coauthors= bị phản đối (trợ giúp); Kiểm tra giá trị ngày tháng trong: |date= (trợ giúp)
  • Mark Stille (2007), USN Carriers vs IJN Carriers: The Pacific 1942, New York: Osprey, ISBN 978-1-84603-248-6 

Tài liệu tham khảo

WikiPedia: Trận_chiến_Đông_Solomon http://www.combinedfleet.com/chitosesp_t.htm http://www.combinedfleet.com/jintsu_t.htm http://books.google.com/books?id=xtaTS-POl-UC&prin... http://www.historyanimated.com/EasternSolomons.htm... http://www.navweaps.com/index_oob/OOB_WWII_Pacific... http://www.ww2db.com/battle_spec.php?battle_id=8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kFXcnUtMT4A http://www-inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/~jgf/carrier/cv1... http://www.microworks.net/PACIFIC/battles/eastern_... http://www.cv6.org/1942/solomons/solomons.htm